Mission & Values
Why AIB ?
After spending many years talking to students struggling to find their next step, we realized that there was still room for improvement in business education. Despite growing business school enrollments and numerous programs, the ability of graduates to thrive professionally and emotionally in an ever-changing global job market is diminishing.
What’s going wrong? Are we focusing enough on developing our students’ human capital? Are we focusing too much on disseminating knowledge while neglecting the soft skills that make the difference in the 21st century? Are we teaching enough about ethics and values? Are we training future leaders who will stand up for what is right and positively impact all aspects of society?
To make a difference, AIB Management and Business School has been created.
AIB Management and Business School®, is a new Business School where we coach students through teaching skills, and where we train for professions. In limited-capacity classes, we train businessmen and women with real skills under the guidance of business professionals. We aim to develop our students’ human capital by delivering quality knowledge while developing their interpersonal and technical skills! We train leaders/citizens of the world who will make a difference and prosper in a globalized world whose economy is based on knowledge and soft skills.
AIB Management & Business School
Our Vision.
Our vision is to be one of the most renowned Management Schools that create future leaders of value, who will have a positive impact on all aspects of Society.
Our Mission.
Our mission is to help each student realize their potential and thrive professionally in a volatile, complex, and unpredictable world. We assist them in cultivating transferable skills such as virtuous leadership, resilience, and agility, as well as intercultural competencies essential for success in a globalized environment.
At the AIB Management and Business School® we stand for a virtuous leadership . We have developed a set of uncompromising principles and values that are the heart of our company culture.
01. Community
Life is most fulfilling and meaningful when lived with and for others. Positive, encouraging, and inspiring study environment where students support and challenge each other is a must. We care about our students; their personal and collective well-being is at the heart of what we do.
02. Leadership
We see issues that our civilization faces, and we care. We do our best to create a future generation of leaders guided by ethics and driven by values – leaders that stand up for what is right, making a positive impact on at.
03. Professionalism
We expect excellence in effort. Though we understand that perfection does not exist, we strive for it. Being trustworthy, reliable, and always learning is part of our DNA. We rejoice when we experience small and big wins – and we learn from failures.
04. Global Mindset
We see ourselves as global citizens. Mastering the English language, plus learning another global language, developing intercultural competence, opportunity to do international internship, and being taught by international professionals is how we prepare our students for the opportunities of tomorrow.
05. Inclusivity
Social justice and equal treatment matter to us, and this is why we built a unique recruitment process and study syllabus. We hire for attitude and potential, not for academic skills only + our students have an opportunity to raise funds during their study, thus being able to finance otherwise expensive tuition.
06. Thriving
Happiness, health, and progress of our students are imperative to us. We desire that they become truly successful. Therefore, we teach them emotional intelligence and resilience skills – key variables that enable us to thrive in a ever changing and challenging world.